Orion HST

INAOE, Tonantzintla
2017 July 3 to July 7

The first week participants. A finding chart is located here.

The second week. More photos are on our Facebook page, and in this ftp site.

The local website for the workshop is here. The local site contains a list of participants and a PDF giving photos and research interests is here. The workshop Google group is here. Here is the ftp site containing documents we shall use. Christophe Morisset has posted a series of YouTube videos of the lectures. Christophe has also posted some pyCloudy scripts to do many of our example problems.

Christophe Morisset has also provided photo albums with the following pictures: Monica's talkManuel's talkOficial fotos, Volcanos

Deadly Dance






Closing presentation

Cloudy will rock you